Each Week, Tie Dyed Swag is Delivered & Weekly Winners Are Announced LIVE!
Tune in to our Instagram (@onestepbeyondinc) or YouTube (Beyond Abilities Media) every Friday at 3:15 PM to find out if you are one of the Weekly Winners and to hear about the upcoming Movin’ Mondays Challenge!

Monday Movin’ Weekly Challenges
Why are the Movin’ Monday Weekly Challenges so awesome?
This is your chance to not only have fun while Movin’ for Inclusion, but this is an opportunity to earn an additional raffle ticket entered in the Weekly Winners drawing by going beyond as an ALL-STAR-STEPPER! The lucky Weekly Winners receive a $100 Visa gift card!
Week 1: Color Me Movin’ for Inclusion!
Click the pic to download the Coloring Page Challenge. Get creative and share how you plan to Get Movin’ for Inclusion!
The ALL-STAR-STEP – To earn an extra raffle ticket for your chance to win the $100 Visa gift card in the Weekly Winners drawing, post a picture of your finished artwork on YOUR Instagram page and TAG @onestepbeyoninc and #LGMchallenge (both digital and physical coloring methods are accepted). Remember to tune in LIVE on Instagram or YouTube to find out if you are the Weekly Winner next Friday, January 26th!
Week 2: Work Out with the Fitness Marshal!
Click the pic to visit the Fitness Marshal’s YouTube channel and give yourself a round of applause for movin’ for inclusion with the Fitness Marshal when you dance to this video!
The ALL-STAR-STEP – To earn an extra raffle ticket for your chance to win the $100 Visa gift card in the Weekly Winners drawing, post a video of you working out to this song on YOUR Instagram page and TAG @onestepbeyoninc and #LGMchallenge. Remember to tune in LIVE on Instagram or YouTube to find out if you are the Weekly Winner next Friday, February 2nd!
Motivational Videos and Helpful Tutorials